Original XS400 Chick
He told me he bought the spoke rims but it used to have the black ones. I asked him why and he said that he just didn't like the black ones. On most XS's I've seen they usually have those black 5 spoke rims. He said he used to have them and I asked him if he still had them but apparently he junked them. I don't know why he would junk them vs. selling them unless they got bent during a wreck but it was all in decent condition and it ran well and shifted perfect. Oil was an good color all that seems to be wrong is the carbs need adjusted and these ugly white grips need pulled off and replaced but after the carbs are fixed I think it will run perfect. then I;m going to head over to Grandpa's and mess with his tools. I think I'm going to keep the stock tank. I saw a pretty cool painted one and I think I like the square tank more then the roundish one.