If your charging a bit high on the voltage it might not be the regulator. The reg reads the battery voltage on the brown wire. With the key on check the battery voltage at the battery. Use this as a reference voltage, now check voltage at the brown wire at the reg. If it reads more than .2 or .3 below the battery you have a bad connection some where between the battery and reg. Or possibly a bad ground.
The reg is set to keep the battery at 14.5. If it reads 14.5 on the brown wire it will charge to that. If the brown wire voltage at the reg is 13.5 then the reg will try to charge the battery up get 14.5 at the brown wire, or a full volt over what it should be.
So do some testing before you start swapping parts. Often the main key switch is dirty and creates the voltage drop, Sometimes the main fuse. Other can be dirty connections where wires plug together.