The dreaded starter clutch issue


XS400 Enthusiast
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I've started into my build and first up is to get it mechanically sound. Only big issue is the starter clutch slipping. I've done some research and read the write up on this site. Brilliantly helpful. Only thing is, I believe it's a 1980 model and all the clutch kits seem to be for 1982-1984. Are they the same? It's not hugely expensive but it would suck to find out it don't fit and be unsure of what to do next.
I looked around a bit for the 16mm 1.6 pitch bolt I'd need to remove the starter clutch. Couldn't find anything at local bolt shops :(
Dug through my random bolt pike from my series Land Rover and success! The wheel stud I had was a fit. Clutch popped right off with a bit of work.
Still waiting for it to show up in the mail. Will update after install. It was obvious that the little springs in the original starter clutch were no good. 2 were shorter.
Yeah. Didn't think it would take this long. Tracking says Vancouver, and that it's on it's way here.