Hey all,
Been having some electrical issues and found a thread that said to check the stator wires so I took the left panels off to inspect and thought while I was at it I would clean the sprocket cover. So I took the clutch cable off and then took off the clutch rod corkscrew (don't know exactly what it's called) and cleaned and relubed the corkscrew then replaced it in what I thought was the original position. Upon reinstalling the sprocket cover and starting the bike up for a ride, I realized the clutch lever is now impossible to squeeze. I didn't Change anything with the cable other then taking it off then back on. Using a thread I picture I found here I setup the corkscrew exactly how it looked in the picture and it's still impossible to squeeze.
Been having some electrical issues and found a thread that said to check the stator wires so I took the left panels off to inspect and thought while I was at it I would clean the sprocket cover. So I took the clutch cable off and then took off the clutch rod corkscrew (don't know exactly what it's called) and cleaned and relubed the corkscrew then replaced it in what I thought was the original position. Upon reinstalling the sprocket cover and starting the bike up for a ride, I realized the clutch lever is now impossible to squeeze. I didn't Change anything with the cable other then taking it off then back on. Using a thread I picture I found here I setup the corkscrew exactly how it looked in the picture and it's still impossible to squeeze.