Spark on one side. Help please?


XS400 Member
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Oakland ca
1982 xs400j maxim. Trying to find the source of a no spark problem. The right side has a nice spark. Left side has nothing. I checked the ignition coils and theyre both fine. Hooked up the multimeter to the wires running to the coils, cranked the starter and it showed that there was power going to the right but not left coil. By the way whoever designed those things to be up inside the frame where you have to take the motor mount off to get to them was an asshole. Battery is full charged 13.whatever and the fuses are good. The killswitch and kickstand switches are good. I cleaned a bit of corrosion of a connection at the tci which seemed to create a stonger spark in the right coil. It was yellow now its blue. Didnt pull the coils again to take a new reading. I havent checked the pickup coil yet but im assuming thats the the problem since its one sided. Hoping its not a bad tci cause im too broke to get a new one. Working without a wiring diagram. If anyone has one theyde be willing to share it would help alot. Any suggestions? Gonna go back tomorrow and clean all the connections with contact cleaner.
Thanks! Yeah i cleaned all the connections. Thought it was the TCI. To test this i flipped the orange and grey wires going to it from the pickup coils. The spark switched sides too. This leads me to believe i have a problem at the pickups instead. If it was the ignitor then the problem wouldve stayed on the same side. Gonna take that plate off today and see whats going on.
Yeah turns out ive got a bad pickup coil. Anyone have one for sale? I couldnt find any on ebay. Or is there a way to rebuild them?