Ramsey Salim
XS400 Member
1978 XS400, 12K miles
The original front master cylinder was completely seized when I bought it. I did a quick search for a generic replacement ($20) and installed it. I bled the brakes as much as I could, even used a suction pump at the bleed valve to get every tiny bit of air out. The calipers work, but the lever is very spongy and goes all the way down - not a comfortable feeling when riding.
Perhaps I did not get the correct replacement master cylinder? I searched the forums and did see lots of links of recommended replacements for the front master cylinder - unfortunately, most of the links expired.
May someone provide a working or recent link for a replacement front master cylinder I could try for my motorcycle, assuming that it also worked for their motorcycle.
1978 XS400, 12K miles
The original front master cylinder was completely seized when I bought it. I did a quick search for a generic replacement ($20) and installed it. I bled the brakes as much as I could, even used a suction pump at the bleed valve to get every tiny bit of air out. The calipers work, but the lever is very spongy and goes all the way down - not a comfortable feeling when riding.
Perhaps I did not get the correct replacement master cylinder? I searched the forums and did see lots of links of recommended replacements for the front master cylinder - unfortunately, most of the links expired.
May someone provide a working or recent link for a replacement front master cylinder I could try for my motorcycle, assuming that it also worked for their motorcycle.