Paint it Black - Mild Restoration

Finally got around to doing the carbs. Got some carb kits online and stripped them down. Overall were looking pretty clean inside. The only thing from the carb kit I used was the float valve and seat. Northing else seemed to fit. The diaphrams for the top were too small and the jets we're all unmarked.

I got one of those new universal petcocks with the adapter plate. Looks nice and I tried to put it on. Once on I put some fuel and it all came pissing out. Big problem. It turns out that the 3/8 fitting on the petcock sits proud of the adapter plate and it is also slightly larger than the slot in the tank. This means than when tightening it in it was bending the tank.

Now the slot in the tank is no longer flat and I can't get a good seal. By prying a screwdriver at the slot I've got it a little bit better and by using the rubber gasket which came with the adapter plate I've managed to get my original petcock to seal with only a weep rather than drips.

Any suggestions on how to rectify the tank other than replacing it?


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Found someone on the forum who had the same issue and used a Dremel on their tank. But they noticed the problem before trying to screw it in so didn't incur any damage. The is the problem with trying to work outside on the bike after work just as it's getting dark.


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Yeah the "universal" carb kits they sell on the line are suspect but there are bits and pieces that work. I used the float and the gasket from it but the rest is sitting on my bench. Like you said some are not clearly labeled parts.

On petcock, is it leaking from the main black gasket or by the screws with the little red gaskets?

Mine kept leaking from little red ones. They'd crush way too easy and then leak. I ended up using yellow Teflon tape (apparently gas and gasoline resistant) on all the screws which has stopped my leaking for now.

If leaking from black gasket, guessing will be trying to get a flat mating surface. If that doesn't work rebuild your OEM petcock or buy one that proper fits. Worst case you seal the hole and drill anew, but don't think you're there yet.
So I got around to replacing the standard seat. I really didn't like the big hump for the pillion.

Most of the eBay seats are very short so I found one on AliExpress the same length as the original.

I had to chop the mounds off the seat and epoxy a couple of bolts into it. I cut off the rear of the frame and welded a loop on and I welded on 8 mounts for the seat to it on and drilled slotted holes into them.

This seat slots in at the rear and is held in by bolts at the front. I also welded a bracket on for a rear light and turn signals.

I'm pretty happy with the result. When carrying a pillion I need to set minimum preload or the tyre hits the loop. I think the solution would be 340mm shocks. The way the seat it is didn't really accommodate having the rear loop any higher. No hurry for new shocks though as this is my girlfriend's bike and she's not carrying pillions.




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