Oil Filter Cover STUCK!

Big D

XS400 Member
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Help! I have a DOHC XS400 and cannot remove the cover to change the oil filter..... previous owner "buggered up" the bolt head, so I can't get a wrench on it .... I tried a set of vice-grips too, but it doesn't budge. How important is it to change that filter?

I cleaned the bottom-end with kerosene after I got the bike and did the oil change (didn't even know it had a filter then) ..... should I just do that again .... the engine oil runs clean, but this is a strong motor and I would hate to ruin it due to a clogged up oil filter.

Any suggestions how to get it off.... heat?..... grind/cut the bolt head off? ..... big f-ing hammer? .... solution or even suggestions?

Thank you..... Big D-


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Any access to a welder? Get a nut that is big enough to fit over that rounded off hex and weld the two together. Let it cool and it should,back right off.

Anyone who buggered up that bolt like that probably did not know or care much about maintenance either. So I would say changing the filter is VERY important. Also by a new bolt to replace that one and use the proper wrench, preferably a six point socket to install and remove it!
Thanks .... both great ideas!

One other point. Do not over tighten the new bolt!

Manual calls for 10.8 Foot Pounds with the bolt oiled. Drain plug torque is 27.5 Foot Pounds.

Over tightening things often causes more problems that being a little loose. But if you are going to be working at all on one of these bikes a 3/8 torque wrench is important. And buy the best one your money can afford. Saving $20.00 on a tool like a torque wrench can cost you many times more with one damaged part!
pipe wrench with sharp teeth if there is enough to grip, otherwise weld up a new nut as previously suggested
All good responces... I will let you know what -and if- worked as soon as the weather breaks .... I think someone stole my space heater.... thank you, all!