Sub Zero
staying orginal
alright im brand spankin new to this forum. after a little bit of lurking it seemed like the best place for me to introduce my XS400RJ. i picked it up about a month ago for 300$ to fix up and replace my current commuter bike (XR650L). so far im pretty happy about it. not too fast but im lovin the constant 50 - 53mpg.
When I bought this bike it had a rusted out tank with a hole in it about as big as a clenched fist. I had intended on repairing it myself with fiberglass but after a little bit of poking and scraping and cleaning up the rusted tank its just totally shot and any attempt i would make to fix it would very likely be unsuccessful. So I had a spare XL600R tank in my shed full of spare parts and crap and luckily enough it fits just fine. looks like crap but it does the job and at least i can ride it.
after doing a complete carb clean via simple green the bike is running good. but heres my problem: bike wont go any faster then 85mph. gps verified. Before i had bought the bike I did a little research on it to see the mileage they get and how much balls they got and was happy to hear from many different people and websites that the bikes top speed is between 100 - 107mph. I think the problem is a lean condition at very high rpms. ive done a plug chop and they look alright. maybe a little white but otherwise mostly tan. but im not sure if that could cause me to lose about 15 - 20 mph out of my top speed on a 400?? the sprocket sizes are stock. any suggestions on jetting?? (hope nobody on here is too picky about bad grammar)
oh and since all threads are useless without pics.....
When I bought this bike it had a rusted out tank with a hole in it about as big as a clenched fist. I had intended on repairing it myself with fiberglass but after a little bit of poking and scraping and cleaning up the rusted tank its just totally shot and any attempt i would make to fix it would very likely be unsuccessful. So I had a spare XL600R tank in my shed full of spare parts and crap and luckily enough it fits just fine. looks like crap but it does the job and at least i can ride it.
after doing a complete carb clean via simple green the bike is running good. but heres my problem: bike wont go any faster then 85mph. gps verified. Before i had bought the bike I did a little research on it to see the mileage they get and how much balls they got and was happy to hear from many different people and websites that the bikes top speed is between 100 - 107mph. I think the problem is a lean condition at very high rpms. ive done a plug chop and they look alright. maybe a little white but otherwise mostly tan. but im not sure if that could cause me to lose about 15 - 20 mph out of my top speed on a 400?? the sprocket sizes are stock. any suggestions on jetting?? (hope nobody on here is too picky about bad grammar)
oh and since all threads are useless without pics.....