Alright, so here's the last bit!
There's still things that I want to do to it, but for now it's rideable, reliable, and safe, so that's what's most important
OH! Does anyone have the connecting rod/latches for the seat?? It was driving me NUTS trying to figure out how the seat latched. Well turns out after finding a picture of what it's supposed to look like with a google image search, it turns out I'm missing the entire latching part! Doh! 8O Still looking for a clean front chrome front fender too!
I'm still waiting to come across a clean chrome front fender, and I did not have the time to get the remainder of the dent in the top of the tank pulled. Hopefully next winter I will be able to get that popped, strip the tank, and then bodyfill and sand out the remaining imperfections, and finish it off with some new paint on the tank and side covers.
I want to put in new fork springs and replace the rear shocks with some nice progressives.
I also have to tap the other mirror threads, It had one mirror on it when I bought it and just a plug in the other, but when I tried swapping the matching set of mirrors over from the parts bike, the clutch perch was the wrong thread/too small of a hole. Not quite sure what's up with that but I did not have the correct tap in our metric set at work so I had to leave it with one mirror for the time being.
I still have yet to wash it lol. By the time I finished bleeding the brakes it was about an hour from sundown and I wanted to hit the road so I wouldn't freeze - well I froze anyways haha. Plus to me a good detail job is 10hrs+ and that time was non-existent, and I figured my dad would rather have his son home and a dirty bike than a clean bike and son not home
I'll go home this summer once life settles down and I can spend a weekend with my dad detailing our bikes, I want to polish the cases as well.
I originally had planned on bringing it home on thursday, but the caliper rebuild kit's tracking said it would not arrive until friday. Well friday comes and I wait and wait and wait but no rebuild kit. I was really bummed. But since I had to get it home that night there was nothing I could do other than clean up the old seal best I could and re-use them and run them that way until I have the time to pull it all apart again and rebuild the caliper with the new seal. Really hate having to do something twice that is completely unesassary if the package would have showed up on the date they promised, but my only other option was to drop 57$ for an OEM set from the local yammie shop.
I also borrowed a tach cable from another parts bike at the shop as the new motion pro cable I had ordered failed to show up in time as well.
So those two things kinda sucked but it mostly worked out so on to the good things!
It was a frenzy on friday so I diddnt really do as well at taking pictures, but I did grab a few. I ended up just picking up and throwing in a new cheap wet cell, it'll be okay for a season or two at least. I also picked him up a batt. tender so it can sleep happily in the garage and get the most out of it as well.
New SS brake line -
Going back together:
Ready to go -
So me in all my wisdom, when I glued that collar, I failed to even think about positioning it correctly. So I had to hit it with the grinder to make it work. I have a replacement now and next time I'm home I'll throw it on no problem.
About to make the maiden voyage home!
And yes that's a pan of cookies that my gf made for my dad too
And so I rode it home! Ran like a top, really had a blast riding it home, I had never ridden it other than riding it home from buying it and that was with bad tires, borderline brakes, ridiculously loose chain, etc etc etc. So this was the first time I really could
ride it. These 400's are fun little bikes no doubt and someday if another were to come under my nose for a decent price, I'd have a hard time passing it up for a nice townie bike, fun little scoot thats super nimble compared to my 750. But that'll be after the 550 project's done
Ended up pulling into town around 9:30 and parked it in a friends driveway as I told my dad I would be getting a ride home with a friend to keep from arousing suspicion of being home without my car. I came into the house an ice cube and tried talking normally as possible trying to hide the fact I was shivering uncontrollably lol.
I had originally planned on getting home sooner and hiding the bike in the garage while my dad was still at work, but since I waited so long in hopes that the caliper rebuild kit would arrive I got home much later than planned and my dad was already home, so I had to come up with a plan B as I was too excited to wait until morning.
So after a bit I convinced my family that it would be nice to take a walk around the block. So around the block we went and when we passed my buddies driveway my dad commented on how Seth(my buddy) must have gotten a bike! I couldn't have planned it any better, I said well lets go take a look at it, and then after a bit of waiting I told him it was actually his. He really diddnt have any words and was just completely shocked and blown away. Mission successful
So I had him climb on and I gave him a ride around the block and then home as it was cold and also pretty late at that point.
Page/post break for picture suspense - jk, post was too long and had to break it up