LED Brake Lights! (Pictures and Poll!)

Are LED's the best thing for these anemic charging systems!?

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XS400 Addict
Reaction score
San Francisco CA
Word up. Don't forget to vote (utmost importance)

Got me new LED's earlier this week, but just now got a chance to install them.

About my bike: 1980 XS400 SOHC, with H4 headlight conversion, stock signals, and a recently rebuilt alternator/brand new battery providing charging within spec.

Install Time: about 5 minutes with pictures taken
Tools Required: Phillips, Rubber Gloves, A friend (or a toe strap)
Bulbs Used: Super Bright LED's 1157 LED Dual Intensity 45 SMD LED Tower In RED color
Link: http://www.superbrightleds.com/more...ed-bulb-dual-intensity-45-smd-led-tower-/814/

And we begin. First off, what is a toe strap!? I work at a bicycle shop, and a toe strap is a strap used for strapping feet into pedals. We use them for all sorts of "holding" needs at my shop, and I use them for all sorts of things in life, in this case, to hold my brake lever while I stand behind my bike. Go buy some at the bike shop, just a few dollars. :thumbsup:

This is the stock Tail/Running light

This is the stock Brake Light

Now it's time to take off the lens - And what a great time for a selfie! :laugh: Probably time to give her a bath...

This is what the assembly looks like with the lens off

The new bulbs +advertising for SBL. Aren't they the cutest little things!?

Here they are installed.

Here they are installed, bike running. Did I mention I got them in Red color?

And the resulting Tail/Running light...

And the resulting Brake Light....

Conclusion: :D These things kick total ass :thumbsup:. Not only are they perceivably brighter (both tail and brake), Not only are they still visible (if not MORE visible) during the day time, but they took NO TIME to install, NO SKILL to install, NO MODIFICATION to work properly, and as an added benefit - my headlight no longer dims while using brake light, flashers no longer cause dimming of lights, and running of the motor is no longer affected by the brake light or turn signal's use.

Lucky for me, I actually like the look of the lens/housing - so this should take care of me for the long run. I think this may be one of the biggest improvements I've made to this bike, right up there with getting rid of the shitty stock mufflers (rattling/loose/non adjustable baffles), Rewiring of alternator (Volts!), and adjusting the float heights correctly (often times set improperly on these bikes due to improper info in manuals).

For a bike with as anemic of a charging system as these bikes :)doh:) This is the easiest thing you can do to improve your bike. In fact, I want to know what you think. Please respond to poll, and keep the rubber side down

-Tombo- :bike:
Thanks! I got to ride today, and it's amazing the difference. The idle of my bike used to be affected when the motor went from charging to non charging (like when coming to a stop, or drifting in neutral), and now it doesn't do that at all. I find myself keeping my hand clutching the brake at stop lights (Previously unheard of, or risky!) etc. I'm just glowing. More results and commentary to come as more riding brings them.
LED's are the only way to go! Brighter, more reliable, and much less power draw than incandescent bulbs. One of the first mods I did to my Maxim and I had the exact same results as Tombo. Worth the expense, just for the peace of mind!

We are all entitled to our opinion! And I suppose that the charging system is sufficient for the highway, but in the city, the fact that the bike draws more than it creates at idle, you end up with a net loss of charge to you're battery. Not to mention that the stock 35watt headlight isn't bright enough for night riding, most of us have changed to a brighter 55w headlight, which draws even more, leads to lights dimming, coils not getting enough power for strong spark, etc.

Like Dave said- worth it! If you haven't fine it yet, definitely suggested, you'll be surprised at how it changes the running condition of your bike
Ya I've been thinking of going LED as well.
Dave: how did you salvage enough power to supply those extra lights. I want to install two small 55w running lights yet can't see switching to LED saving enough to make up for the extra draw. Does the HID headlight draw less than the stock bulb?
Okay, I did the same last year, same results. its nice not hear/feeling the bike bog down when your coming in for a stop. I suspect idle could be a bit higher if it dies. I am sure I adj when that happen ;) I think! While I was at superbightleds website, they had an led upgrade for the turn signals. That worked. Just didn't give me the Auto cancel like I thought it would have. (Still working in the back of my mind, way back off the back burner back of the dust part of my mind)

Product Code: MDK-1 |Stock: In Stock Required when installing LEDs as turn signals on motorcycles with single turn signal indicator light. If Diode Kit is not installed, power will back feed across the indicator light and all turn signals will flash at once.
((Copied from the SuperBrightleds.com website!)) it was a quick and easy mod, with out using resistors. There are some of use that have used resistors to get things to work. Then you blow your energy savings by using the resistor. This diode kit, just prevents the back flow of electricity that our bike was designed for. (which also contributed to keeping some of us (me) in chasing my tail when I was trying to find a short or what ever.
HID headlight is 35W, LED's everywhere else draw very little, no idea what the ignition draws. The DOHC 240W alternator can handle the additional 110W draw of the driving lights above 2000 RPM. I'm thinking of converting the driving lights to HID to increase light output and lower power requirements, but am concerned about the startup delay.
replacing brakes & signals with leds and replacing headlight with something as bright as the sun is the only way to go.
hah I sure did. The reason should be safety not for the charging system :p


I even took an LED trailer light and mounted it on my basket to double blind people with led lasers.

I see a meeting of the minds taking shape here lol,I haven't voted yet on the poll but I would choose led`s simply cause they are brighter.Which leads me to question,havent never taken my tail light apart I notice theres two bulbs in there on your bike.Is that part of your led kit or are like that stock?:shrug:
Everything about my tail light aside from the two led's are stock. (the bike has two bulbs for the tail light from the factory).

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