Is this clutch f@#%ed??


XS400 Member
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lethbridge alberta
Recently picked up a 1983 maxim 400 project bike. (Long story, explained in detail in another thread). Long story short, I got it for cheap because the clutch cover has been left off for two years and the bike sat outside in rain and snow.. so I got it for cheap because owner thinks it's scrap metal. I want to prove him wrong!!
Is this clutch garbage? What am I looking at? I just removed the believed to be clutch friction plates (this was exposed to elements). Are these garbage? Or salvageable?


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Garbage. Rusty parts inside the engine are going to cause problems. Either from shedding lots of small highly abrasive rust particles that will wear everything they touch, or from larger pieces plugging the oil pump pickup screen and starving the engine for oil. Assuming the parts aren't seized up.

The head and cams may be salvageable, but I'd expect most everything below the head to be scrap. Please, be kind to us, just one thread for the exploration...
Thank you for the quick reply! Your answer was pretty much what I was expecting to hear. Now is there any way the rust can be cleaned off? For example there is rust on the main drive gear. Could I not remove it and try to remove the rust? Or is the only answer to purchase replacement parts and replace what is ruined?
You can certainly try to remove the rust. EvapoRust is a product that may work for you and isn't horridly dangerous. I've seen it in Canadian Tire's around me. But what are you going to do for the transmission gears? The internal ball bearings? The oil pump? All of them will be unserviceable if rusted, even if the rust is removed.

Your determination is admirable, but misdirected. You should be shopping for an engine...
Crack it open...clean...degrease...derust. ....enjoy the journey.
Surface rust isn't a big deal, pitting is....
If nothing is pitted...after a good clean...put it back together and watch it come to life with a self-congratulatory smile and a beer...
Before you throw it out, I would be interested in what electrolysis would do. Do you own an old trickle charger?

The hard part would be cleaning it before it rusted again.
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