XS400 Member
So I have had issues with syncing everytime I used my homemade manometer. Which I made from a thread on here. The meter itself worked fine, but everytime I synced it... the bike was always worse off than when I started to sync and I can never understand why. Always bench synced to get back to a baseline and I have wondered/noticed my butteryfly valves are opened a crack and wonder is that would contribute to my hanging rpms slightly during idle, more so when it warms up and even worse when i am actually test riding it. Unfortunately the bikes goes through periods where it sits for a while. But it is a 1980 xs400SH stock other than uni foam pods on the stock H pipe. Jetting is 150 main, with. 50 pilot with stock jet needle & needle jet, air/fuel screw at 5 turns out most recently. Which due to my tinkering and trying to find the right set up changes when I'm able to get my hands on it. As a side note I have been following the the factory pro carb tuning as a guide and it has gotten me much closer to a better running machine. As always any anysight is always appreciated.