Hi from Belgium


XS400 Member
Reaction score
Brussels, Belgium
Hello all, quick presentation.
I am from Brussels, Belgium and own an XS360 which I am currently working on rebuilding.
I'll try to maintain a blog on the project:


I discovered the site not so long ago, also read the whole blog from drewpy on the Flat Tracker, really nice !

I don't know yet where I am going exactly with the project, except that I'd like the bike to be minimal and more towards a scrambler type, although I intend to keep the Alloy wheels (me think but have been known to change my mind :D).

Probably will have lots of questions, mostly electrics.

Very interested in loosing the battery but not a clue where to begin with :laugh:
Hello, thanks ! This is my first motorcycle rebuild, hope to make it right. I usually play with bicycles and a few years ago with mini coopers, but the cars, never on my own.
The work goes on, now starts the good part ;)
I get taight German in school, and I have tried before to read their forum but its pretty hard. What we get taught in school has nothing to do with pistons, rocker arms, brake calipers and such. Hence I am not familiar with these words in German :eek:
But if you want me to search for anything specific i can try :D
I will start by making an account tomorow, and I will introduce myself as "ein der leute von das xs400.com forum" :laugh:
I get taight German in school, and I have tried before to read their forum but its pretty hard. What we get taught in school has nothing to do with pistons, rocker arms, brake calipers and such. Hence I am not familiar with these words in German :eek:
But if you want me to search for anything specific i can try :D
I will start by making an account tomorow, and I will introduce myself as "ein der leute von das xs400.com forum" :laugh:

socrates does come on here every now and then, but doesn't update us on what's happening and I only go on the xs conversion and use google translator.:(

if there is any tips or things that are really interesting, it would be good to share on here! :thumbsup:
Unfortunately I don't do German and barely dutch :(

Does anybody know how to remove this lock ?


Puzzling me.

Updates on the site. I am down to the frame.
The bike was red in a previous life :)
And have a nasty bump in that tank I need to sort out.
Helo everyone,

Let m introduce myself, my name is Franjellah and I am 35 years old. I come from Canada. Delighted to join this community! I look forward to gettig to know yo and participating in the enriching discussions that enliven this forum.

See you soon on the discussion threads!
