Hi. I want to replace both my handlebar switches to new ones on my 77 250. Does anyone know if these are the same between XS250/360/400/650? I'm getting mixed messages with my research online. On my right one currently, I have a back connector for 4 wires and the other two connect loosely. Am I right to assume if a new one has 6 loose wires I can connect 4 to the block and then the others and everything will be OK?
Exhibit A specified for a 650 only: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/YAMAHA-XS-650-Commodo-DROIT-/281694646226?hash=item41964f2fd2:g:MJcAAOSwstxVWC0P
Exhibit A specified for a 650 only: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/YAMAHA-XS-650-Commodo-DROIT-/281694646226?hash=item41964f2fd2:g:MJcAAOSwstxVWC0P