Handlebar switches


XS400 Addict
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Hi. I want to replace both my handlebar switches to new ones on my 77 250. Does anyone know if these are the same between XS250/360/400/650? I'm getting mixed messages with my research online. On my right one currently, I have a back connector for 4 wires and the other two connect loosely. Am I right to assume if a new one has 6 loose wires I can connect 4 to the block and then the others and everything will be OK?

Exhibit A specified for a 650 only: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/YAMAHA-XS-650-Commodo-DROIT-/281694646226?hash=item41964f2fd2:g:MJcAAOSwstxVWC0P
This is what my existing one looks like.

the early 400 I have only has on/off for the headlights (no PO position) otherwise the same. I think all the other years SOHC are the same as what you pictured above.

Ah! Yeah, mine has the stickers missing but there seems to only be on and off on mine too. So you think the 650 one in the link should be OK? It's just that whenever I see it specified as a switch for a 650 it never mentions the 400, 360 or 250. Maybe that's just because the block connector is missing. But this 650 version should just click into the block easy enough, no? I haven't tried pulling it apart as I don't know what I'm doing and was worried about trying.