XS400 Addict
yeah i hear ya. took the plugs out and see them sparking when i ground the plug body to the engine. so im pretty sure i have good spark. tried switching the cam timing units wires to the tci box to make sure they werent backwards.
(im pretty sure this is the same as switching the plug wires, it would just be sparking 180 out or whatever) still nothing.
does the clutch have any impact on starting procedures? before i didnt have it hooked up at all. it is in neutral when i crank it.
.. also discovered a side problem regarding the k-start. it didnt seem to engage at all before( not even near the bottom)
but now when i tip the bike over far to the clutch side and move the k-start, it catches and i feel compression and the motor turning. im wondering if i forgot a spring or somthing in there to put pressure on the worm gear.
on a side note, those aftermarket brake/ clutch setup i ordered off ebay work great. locks up the front disk really well.
anyways here just a picture of me goofin' off, seeing how it might feel when im done.
(im pretty sure this is the same as switching the plug wires, it would just be sparking 180 out or whatever) still nothing.
does the clutch have any impact on starting procedures? before i didnt have it hooked up at all. it is in neutral when i crank it.
.. also discovered a side problem regarding the k-start. it didnt seem to engage at all before( not even near the bottom)
but now when i tip the bike over far to the clutch side and move the k-start, it catches and i feel compression and the motor turning. im wondering if i forgot a spring or somthing in there to put pressure on the worm gear.
on a side note, those aftermarket brake/ clutch setup i ordered off ebay work great. locks up the front disk really well.
anyways here just a picture of me goofin' off, seeing how it might feel when im done.