Finally getting the old girl running again


XS400 New Member
Reaction score
Sydney, Nova Scotia
I should add, I hope.

My '82 Maxim has been sitting for about 25 years due to life getting in the way. I had it running about 12 years ago, but the carbs were flooding even after cleaning; the neeedles and seats were a mess. At that time the only needles and seats I could find were at the dealer and they wanted $70 each, and that was with a discount. lol I finally got carb kits a couple of years ago on eBay for $30, but due to COVID, working on my house and travelling to help my daughter with their house, I didn't get at it.

So, carbs are off and I got to use my new ultrasonic cleaner which did a pretty good job of removing all of the shellac and sludge. The main air ports to the bowl were plugged solid with what looked like sand; no idea where that came from unless there were bugs nesting in them. I had to clean them manually, but everything is going together now and looks good.

I'll post photos as soone as I get them transfered to the computer.
The old brake fluid on my '82 had solidified to something like old crusty maple syrup, took ages to clean that garbage out.. and ethanol gas left in the carb bowls thoroughly plugged the start circuit holes to the point i had to drill them out... so I'd say all kinds of crazy stuff happens when bikes sit for a while.