Bike randomly died?


XS400 Enthusiast
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Hey guys, today i wanted to rip on my bike and I had it running with the choke fully open and slowly closed it as I let the bike warm up.
Concern #1 - the bike shutoff when I fully pushed the choke in, this does happen often but riding it for a bit solves this issue
concern #2 - as I was taking it up my street the throttle was just so unresponsive, I'm convinced its need of a dire carb clean but after ridding it a bit further down the street the bike shuts off and doest come back on

I tried kicking it, bump starting in 2nd but no luck, fuel was a bit low but I could still visually see it in the tank so I turned on the reserve setting on the petcock and tried again with some luck but as soon as I pushed the choke in or tried to take off it died.

I got it back home and filled it up with more gas and primed the engine but no luck.

I was wearing out the battery with how much I was turning it on so now I have it sitting on a trickle charger and letting it cool down to give it a fresh try tomorrow.

A bit of context. I drove the bike quite a bit the night before and was hammering on it as I was on a main road where there are some uphils and speed limits of 60-80 km/h so far in the short time I had this bike I haven't gotten it past 60km/h before I run out of road, my buddy who helped me buy it told me it really needs the carbs cleaned but can this lack in performance and unresponsiveness all be from the carbs?

I bought these two items from Walmart and wanted to add them to my tank as a temporary fix while I work on getting the bike plated and registered (I'm in Canada and insurance and licensing is a pain in the behind) so that I can ride it to a shop to get the carbs rebuilt


are these good to add to my tank? help clean up some of the carbs so I can ride my bike for the small bit of season I have left and maybe ever to the shop
I would forget the stuff you add to the tank. Take the carbs off, completely strip them and clean them. All of the conditions you described (not running without enricher on, bike dying, bogging with throttle) point to dirty carbs. You can try the Italian tune up stuff all you want, but the sure-fire method is to manually clean the carbs.
I would forget the stuff you add to the tank. Take the carbs off, completely strip them and clean them. All of the conditions you described (not running without enricher on, bike dying, bogging with throttle) point to dirty carbs. You can try the Italian tune up stuff all you want, but the sure-fire method is to manually clean the carbs.
take CaptChromes advice. Good mentor