__-Bay Win. Piston Rings

Shaun Chandler

XS400 Addict
Reaction score
Cambridge Ontario Canada
Just won an auction on ebay for a box of piston rings all yamaha NOS about 40 or so boxes for a dollar. Not sure if there are even any in there for an xs400 but for a dollar I figured I would risk it.

All from the 60's and 70's. It's probably just wishfull thinking and I'll end up having to sell them all off slowly but hey you never know.



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ha ha.... Well I will certainly check... When I actually won I was suprised I won't bother going to the post office for a dollar sale

I tried zooming in on the picture before I placed my bid so I could read the numbers but it wasn't clear enough.

It's an estate sale. Apparently part of a yamaha dealership that closed down. The guy said in the add he had alot of snowmobile parts so it may end up that I just have a whole pile of rings for yamaha sleds.

Maybe they use the same rings on sleds and bikes. If you take the time to research what they all belong to you could make a tidy profit even selling them cheap. Everyone wants a lot for these things...
It should be fairly easy to find out what the rings fit,and they should fit more than just snowmachines. Look up the numbers and find out what they fit. lha
That was my hope. Most manufacturers try to use the same parts all over to save money so when I got them in the mail I was going to check all the part numbers mabey sell them for 20 bucks a box. Gotta find a way to pay for all the stuff I need for my bike.

Depending on the stroke,a 200cc motor should have the same pistons,rings as a 2 cylinder 400cc motor,but who knows? The only way to tell is to cross reference the numbers. lha
lha - it all depends on bore and stroke, and even then, things are different. i bought some kz900 rings for stupid cheap cuz it had the same bore size and ring thickness as the xs400, but the rings didnt compress enough at all. so i had to go OE on that one.

think my buddy just picked up a yamaha sled. ill see and let you know
I did say "but who knows?". And isn't Kz a Kawasaki? Apples and oranges,and years apart probably won't work.I saw a listing somewhere on rings and pistons and there were several different models that used the same,but I don't have any idea where it was. lha
yeah i saw that too. something about using CB350 pistons in some yamaha bike, thats wat made me research bore size and stuff. and yes KZ is a kawasaki. i was hoping to make it work and benifit the forum. now they know wat not to do. haha. and i wasnt trying to hate on you in my above reply. youve probably forgotten more things than i currently know lol.
Sometimes that's part of the problem,old farts like me HAVE forgotten most of what they used to know.I have cross-installed parts before,and sometimes it's more trouble than it's worth.I've machined ring grooves to make mismatched pistons fit motors that they should theoretically fit,and enlarged the bosses for wrist pins on pistons to make the bushings fit.It's usually not worth it as other problems raise their heads further down the "make it work" road. lha
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Well I got the box of rings in the mail today. I'll post up some numbers and see if any one can use them. After I check for rings for myself that is :thumbsup:

Will post them up in classifieds. Mabey this weekend. We will see I have alot of work to do.

One thing about two vs four strokes, two strokes don't use oil control rings, don't need them. At least when I was playing with them when I was young.
Well,I'm just a kid trying to make these old jewels run,so I'll check the numbers to see if I can use anything. lha
Alright well I went through all the rings I bought just now and sadly there appears to be no xs400 rings. In fact I don't think there are even any 4 stroke rings. Everything looks to be 2 stroke (might be some exceptions I didn't go opening all the boxes)

I wrote down all the part numbers and what I found they fit with. mostly bikes from the 60's and 70's and sleds from the same time period. I will post up the list in a pdf file on the for sale section because I don't want to upset anybody posting in the wrong area. I figured I would atleast respond to the thread here as several people have sent me private messages asking about the rings.

You will have to look more closely at the part numbers they may fit other machines I really didn't look that long.

Enjoy :)
