So I got a non running 78 xs400 2e about 6 months ago and been slowly working and learning about it.
Got carbs rebuilt, new clutch lever cable, plugs, charged battery, new oil amd filter, cleaned tank amd put fresh gas.
The battery needs replaced. It won't charge fully. But, trying to kickstart it while jumping it off a good battery it would turn over for maybe a second and cut off then won't kick over for like 10 kicks. When it does try to start it won't stay running. When I say it starts for a second, it's a literal second.
What can I do to get it to run and stay running? Will a new battery take care of it. I figured jumping from a good battery would give me the amps needed to start but I'm not sure.
I started with the filters on, then thinking maybe it wasn't enough air I removed the filters and still didn't get a start.
It kicking over just a little bit gives me hope but idk enough to know what to try next.
Googling just said probably lack of airflow or things I've already done.
Side question. Does anyone know where to find a shift lever that fits the 78 xs400? I ordered one on ebay but it wasn't the correct angle.
Got carbs rebuilt, new clutch lever cable, plugs, charged battery, new oil amd filter, cleaned tank amd put fresh gas.
The battery needs replaced. It won't charge fully. But, trying to kickstart it while jumping it off a good battery it would turn over for maybe a second and cut off then won't kick over for like 10 kicks. When it does try to start it won't stay running. When I say it starts for a second, it's a literal second.
What can I do to get it to run and stay running? Will a new battery take care of it. I figured jumping from a good battery would give me the amps needed to start but I'm not sure.
I started with the filters on, then thinking maybe it wasn't enough air I removed the filters and still didn't get a start.
It kicking over just a little bit gives me hope but idk enough to know what to try next.
Googling just said probably lack of airflow or things I've already done.
Side question. Does anyone know where to find a shift lever that fits the 78 xs400? I ordered one on ebay but it wasn't the correct angle.