1982 XS400
Hey guys, having issues with my 1982 Yamaha XS400, I believe it is a Maxim. When I first got her she wasn't running and was making a clicking noise when I tried to start it. Found the ignition fuse loose and she was up and running. It's been about 4 months, I've made a couple of upgrades but nothing electrical. She won't start again. When I was playing with the ignition fuse again it made the same clicking noise it had 4 months ago, and I was pressing the starter repeatedly while messing with the fuse. After the 4th press it gave a little cough and started to turn, but quickly stopped. Now when I press the start button nothing really happens. Not even a dimming of the brake light when I push in the start button, no change in voltage. So I'm taking a look at the starter switch to eliminate that, here's the video explaining what's going on:
(Battery is fully charged) I'm trying to figure out which wires are supposed to have power when the switch is on, and which wires aren't. The red/yellow wire is the only wire that gets power when start button is pushed. No other wires get volts at any point - start button in or out - Thanks for any help!