1980 XS400 SG Caferacer from Puerto Rico


XS400 Member
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This is my 1980 XS400 from Puerto Rico, thought it would be nice to show off my work in this site and to other owners around the world. No it's not done yet, were are never done, so many things to do, so many way's to go we never stop... These are great little bikes and they run forever. Hope you guy's like my project, happy builds and greetings from the Isle of Enchantment... Puerto Rico.

Let's see them guys!!!!


  • 1980 xs400b.JPG
    1980 xs400b.JPG
    134.2 KB · Views: 1,087
  • 1908 xs400a.JPG
    1908 xs400a.JPG
    129.5 KB · Views: 1,401
Thank's for the nice comments fellas, I'm glad you liked it. It's been guys like yourself and the encouraging comments that's helped me build what I have now. Thank's again and I'll continue to upgrade from time to time. Love the site and we surely needed one for the 400's. Have a great day!!!
It sure is, it's a real tight fit but it works fine... I'm thinking of going back to a 120!!!
Simply brillant! I should have tableware as clean as that bike. Very nice, indeed!
Nice- I like that drag bar.

I think that is actually a clubman style bar (and yes, it does look awesome!). I keep checking this bike out, because it is just so cool. Every time I look at this bike I spot another neat detail. Very tastefully done!
Sweet bike bro. I love it all blacked out!

I've been to PR before, some beautiful scenery there for riding; mountains, ocean, palm trees and boriquas. :bike: