Search results

  1. M

    81 Special Seat options

    Hello. I hope everyone is doing well. I have an 1981 xs400 special. I want to replace the seat with a straight/flat cafe style seat. Just something nice and simple that is comfortable. Does anybody know of a good one that fits well on the bike. Thank y’all for your replies and have a great day.
  2. M

    X21 Value-P Control hub for wiring

    Hello. I hope everyone is doing well. I own an xs400, I am pretty sure it’s the special, I just bought it. It is starting to look like I may be having to re wire the motorcycle. Has anybody had any luck using the X21 Value-P control hub? If so, is this all I will need to require the bike? My...
  3. M

    Wiring diagram

    Thank you!
  4. M

    Wiring diagram

    Hello. I hope everyone is doing well. I just bought a 1981 XS400. It needs wiring work, does anybody have any good wiring diagrams or any tips to help me fix the wiring. A lot of it got messed up because the previous owner had somebody work on it. Thank y’all for your time and have a great day!