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  1. D

    Ignition Coil Refurbishment Possible? Fuel/Ignition Issue

    Can't argue with that! Thank you
  2. D

    Ignition Coil Refurbishment Possible? Fuel/Ignition Issue

    Okay. I finally got her in a good place to idle with the carbs. But i guess the question now is — do I save the ignition coil replacement/refurb for winter? Lol
  3. D

    Ignition Coil Refurbishment Possible? Fuel/Ignition Issue

    Hey y'all, Finally got my bike up and running and pretty much finished last month and she was riding good for a while then I started having fuel and idling problems---so unique i know. I ended up cleaning the tank rust out and carbs completely and cleared out the jets. The bike then ran decent...
  4. D

    1980 Rear Shock Dampers/Length

    Yeah I ended up doing the hidden fender hump and used the original fender as a mold for the fiberglass. came out well!
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    1980 Rear Shock Dampers/Length

    Hi y'all, so I'm currently at the point in my build that I need to get the last bit of welding done and the frame painted. Part of this process for me is planning for the seat pan and ensuring the rear wheel has enough travel clearance. See below pics---The rear wheel pops up above the frame but...
  6. D

    XS 400G "Special II" Parts Manual

    Thanks guys. Yeah I've been using those for awhile I just thought it would be nice to print out a PDF or something to just have handy next to the bike.
  7. D

    XS 400G "Special II" Parts Manual

    Hey does anyone have access to or know where to find a PDF of the parts catalog for the 1980G model? I've looked everywhere and can't seem to find one.