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    • CaptChrome
      Good on getting to the testing! My two cents is I would discount the results at the pods. By putting propane directly into the intake...
    • CaptChrome
      Cameras seem to do funny things when capturing plug color. My photos never look exactly like what my eyes are seeing. So it is hard to...
      • Spark Plug Color Chart.jpg
    • CaptChrome
      I got my carbs off and am going to go up one size on the pilot jets for the coming season. I am running a MAC 2 into 1 exhaust and have...
      • P1287679.JPG
    • CaptChrome
      I think the bike is on the center stand in the photo of the right side, but it is hard to tell if it is there in the first photo. The...
    • CaptChrome
      CaptChrome replied to the thread choke on very high idel.
      No adjustment is available for the enricher. This could mean that your idle mixture is richer than it needs to be (run the bike at idle...
    • CaptChrome
      CaptChrome replied to the thread It Lives..
      Ah, thanks. Now I see the epoxy and the lack of the wire spring bulb holder. The halogen bulbs are so much better than the old sealed...
    • CaptChrome
      CaptChrome replied to the thread It Lives..
      So, it looks like you set the replacement bucket aside and mounted the entire new H4 bulb/reflector/trim ring assembly inside of the...
    • CaptChrome
      CaptChrome replied to the thread Yamaha XS400 Wiring Diagrams.
      Nice looking rear sub-frame on that bike. You made it so that it does not look like an after-thought! I don't know a lot about the DOHC...
    • CaptChrome
      CaptChrome replied to the thread Fueling question.
      Remember, the world's not so dark when you are on your bike on a sunny day ripping it at 65 mph. And that's what this forum is all...
    • CaptChrome
      CaptChrome replied to the thread Fueling question.
      Nice pic of a nice looking bike! It does sound like a fueling issue. Start at the tank and work into the bottom of the carbs: 1. Check...
      • Carb reassembly7.JPG
      • Mesh Filter.jpg
      • BS34.jpg
    • CaptChrome
      Sounds like you have an air leak in the carbs or the carb holders on the cylinders. Sometimes they get worse ad the engine heats up...
    • CaptChrome
      CaptChrome replied to the thread It Lives..
      Well, since three generations have now officially touched it, this bike is now a bona fide family heirloom. Nice to see happen.
    • CaptChrome
      CaptChrome replied to the thread It Lives..
      Nice job on this!
    • CaptChrome
      CaptChrome replied to the thread It Lives..
      Thanks for the pictures in the update. It is looking pretty nice. Can't wait to see how it ends up.
    • CaptChrome
      I would trust what your meter tells you. If both coils measure bad, then that's what it is. If you don't trust the meter, try borrowing...
    • CaptChrome
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